YAY! You absolute babe [MM_Member_Data name=’firstName’]!
We’re so so excited to have you join us on this creative adventure and are smiling from ear to ear that you’re now a member of BB Print Club! We honestly cannot wait for you to see all of the goodies inside the membership PLUS the ones that we’ve got lined up for you this year! It’s going to be EPIC!!
Right now you’ve got access to all of the brand new printables inside the club PLUS all of the printables that are in the BB Shop! Head here to start using them!
We would absolutely love to see you sharing about BB Print Club, this has been in the making for over 6 months and it means the world to us to see your excited faces, messages and of course pictures of our printables in action! Please tag us so we can see! Our Instagram is @bbprintclub
Big love
Jess & Emily
Your login credentials are:
Username: [MM_Member_Data name=’username’]
Password: Hidden for security purposes
[MM_Order_Decision isGift=’true’]
This item was purchased as a gift. The following link can be used to redeem the gift:
[MM_Order_Data name=’giftLink’]
Here are your order details:
Name: [MM_Member_Data name=’firstName’] [MM_Member_Data name=’lastName’]
Email: [MM_Member_Data name=’email’]
[MM_Order_Decision isFree=’false’]
Order ID: [MM_Order_Data name=’id’]
Subtotal: [MM_Order_Data name=’subtotal’ doFormat=’true’]
[MM_Order_Subdecision isDiscounted=’true’]
Discount: [MM_Order_Data name=’discount’ doFormat=’true’]
[MM_Order_Subdecision isShippable=’true’]
Shipping: [MM_Order_Data name=’shipping’ doFormat=’true’]
Order Total: [MM_Order_Data name=’total’ doFormat=’true’]
Billing Address:
[MM_Order_Data name=’billingAddress’]
[MM_Order_Data name=’billingCity’], [MM_Order_Data name=’billingState’] [MM_Order_Data name=’billingZipCode’]
[MM_Order_Data name=’billingCountry’]
[MM_Order_Decision isShippable=’true’]
Shipping Address:
[MM_Order_Data name=’shippingAddress’]
[MM_Order_Data name=’shippingCity’], [MM_Order_Data name=’shippingState’] [MM_Order_Data name=’shippingZipCode’]
[MM_Order_Data name=’shippingCountry’]
Shipping Method: [MM_Order_Data name=’shippingMethod’]
Of course if you have any questions about your membership then do drop us an email at [MM_Employee_Data name=’email’].